SUN Leaf Pick Up

December 23-31 The city would like neighbors to know that in leaf pick up Zone 5, which includes SUN, leaves shouldn’t be placed in the street until December 19 to avoid clogging Continue Reading →
South University Neighborhood Association • Historic Eugene Neighborhood
December 23-31 The city would like neighbors to know that in leaf pick up Zone 5, which includes SUN, leaves shouldn’t be placed in the street until December 19 to avoid clogging Continue Reading →
Building Demolition The demolition is set to begin in the first two weeks of December. (Click this link for the design of the new Edison building.) Work on the new Continue Reading →
We’ve put together a handy guide to the neighborhood including important numbers great to have at your finger tips. Neighbors can pick up a copy of the brochure at the Continue Reading →
New Neighborhood Speed Limits Crash studies have documented that risk of injury and death during a collision decreases significantly between 25 MPH and 20 MPH. This is particularly true for vulnerable roadway Continue Reading →
Ballot Drop Box If you haven’t mailed in your ballot yet, you still have time to vote! You can bring your ballot to an official drop box any time between Continue Reading →
From the UO Associate Director of Community Relations Party Patrol/Safety UOPD is funding a project — and partnering with EPD officers — to have two patrol cars (each with an Continue Reading →
Construction Updates Schedule Abatement is beginning in October. Most work is internal and likely will not be highly noticeable from the street, aside from increased traffic in and out of Continue Reading →