February 13, 2017 SUNA Executive Board Meeting

South University Neighborhood Association
Executive Board Meeting February 13, 2017

Attending: Board members and officers Nancy Meyer, Marsha Shankman, Bill Aspegren, Carolyn Jacobs, Kari Parsons, Rebecca Hanley, Connie Van Flan,Tracy Phelan. Guests: Matt Rodrigues, Acting Traffic Engineer, Reed Dunbar, Transportation Planner, both Public Works Department, City of Eugene; Tammy Young, SUN resident.! !
January board minutes approved by voice vote!
Traffic and safety Reed reported the city has removed, via administrative order, parking on the north and south sides of East 24th in front of Roosevelt Middle School from east of Amazon to Paterson. The order was appealed by a number of citizens (some of whom are believed to be Spencer View residents, some Very Little Theatre participants, and at least one Roosevelt teacher) but eventually the City’s position was upheld. After school is out, bike lanes will get wider and restriping will occur on both sides of the street.!
More discussion ensued including such topics as bike paths connecting the neighborhood to Alder and 24th and all the way west to Willamette, the timing of traffic lights east and west bound at the end of the school day and safety issues at East 20th and Paterson and Hilyard (access to SEHS and the YMCA). There was a general discussion of infill growth and its effect on traffic and safety.!
Matt reported the Traffic Section is working on a database of pedestrian/car accidents in Eugene and Bethel, with a focus on youth in grades K to 8 with hopes it will be expanded through 12th grade. In addition, a transportation system plan update will be submitted to the city council within the next two months. Also, an effort to increase public input into Envision Zero will occur in the next few months.!
Reed said SUNA could help by encouraging the UO to allow the city Traffic Section to increase education to students re pedestrian and bike safety.!
Treasurer’s Report Our current balance is $263.62. City funds will be used for postcard notices of the March general meeting.!
General Meeting March 8, 7 p.m.!
Kari will get OK to use Edison Cafeteria. Chairs will be placed in circles to encourage conversation and two tables set up, for sign-in and food. All board members are asked to bring something; Connie will bring Starbucks coffee.!
The themes for the meeting are “Meet the Mayor” and “Chat with the Chief”(UO police). Each will introduce themselves and then take questions with the mayor going first (7:10 to 7:45) the the chief (7:45 to 8:30). Connie will design and mail postcards to residents.! !

University Park Kari and Connie reported briefly on their meeting with Emily Proudfoot

of City Parks and Recreation. While upgrading the park is a priority, much remains to be decided, including development of a master plan which currently does not exist. If the city does it, the process will take longer that if SUNA or some subset did a “ community initiated park planning process.” A parks bond will be on the city ballot no earlier than June, 2018. If it is approved, improvements could happen within a year or so if there is a plan in place. It was agreed that neighborhood landscape architects will be approached to to a master plan, and that the topic will be on the next board meeting agenda.!

Envision Eugene Bill attended a meeting and received the official notebook which he has available to all who wish to look at.!
Next board meeting: Monday, March 13, 7 p.m., Edison Faculty Room!