Nearly 100 people turned out for the annual Ice Cream Social at University Park on Saturday, August 19. In addition to the delicious Prince Puckler’s ice cream, neighbors brought picnics, played various games and activities, and enjoyed a SUNA raffle and music.
This year we had booths staffed by Friends of Trees, SUNA, Treetop Academics, Emerald Valley Electric Vehicle Association, and Nicole’s face painting.

A special thank you to Sweet Winds wind quintet for providing live music. Sweet Winds are Chet Petterson (clarinet), Mindi Calabrese (flute), Liz Thorin (bassoon), Sheri Pyron (French horn), and Sharon Schuman (violin and oboe).
Thanks also to Seize the Cafe and UO’s Museum of Natural and Cultural History for donating and supporting our raffle.
Finally, thanks to Ian Whitelaw for once again providing wooden scrabble and stacking games for everyone to enjoy.