Comments Due by Monday, November 8
There is widespread support for reducing the housing cost burdens on low-income households.
City Planning staff proposes that HB 2001’s deregulation of the R-1 (single-family) zone without any requirement for what gets built under the ‘increase in density’ will lower costs. Opponents argue that this substantial upzoning, which leaves all development decisions to investors and developers, will cause gentrification and worsen housing affordability.
To get both sides of the discussion, you can read the City staff’s descriptions and arguments for their proposal in their “Guide to the Adoption Process.” A comprehensive description of the proposed code details and their potential negative impacts is available at
Opponents suggest that proposals include explicit safeguards to ensure equity in housing opportunities across all income ranges. Specifically, the code amendments and other adopted measures should protect against demolition and displacement.
This would mean making only the minimal changes necessary to comply with HB 2001.
This would leave the more extreme changes recommended by the Planning Division staff until there is a more robust engagement of citizens and neighborhood organizations about the real impacts of these changes.
To have your voice heard, email and copy
Comments must be received by November 8th!