- 4J School Local Option Levy- 20-301 This May, 4J voters will be asked to vote to renew the local option levy. Here is a little information.What is a local option levy?It’s a property tax that local voters approve. The 4J local option levy helps pay for school operations- staff and programs.Eugene voters have supported this school levy for 20 years; we have to renew it every 5years.The funds stay here in Eugene and support only 4J schools.Why do we need the levy?The levy raises $17 million a year for operations, which is mainly hiring staff. That is 9% of our entire operating budget, which goes directly into our schools for programing, to maintain or reduce class sizes and provide course offerings. To give an idea of the magnitude of $17m it is the cost of 161 teachers or 27 school days. Didn’t we just approve a 4J bond measure? What’s the difference?Bond measure funds, by law, can only be spent on buildings, textbooks, computers and other capital items. The 4J local option levy pays for operations: teachers, other staff, and programs.How much will I pay?This is NOT a tax increase. It’s a continuation of our current tax.It is listed as CE Eugene School District LO on your tax statement. This election is important to our kids; more info is at www.yesfor4jschools.comWhat are the consequences if the local option measure doesn’t pass?The 4J school district would need to begin planning for reductions to make up for the loss of $17 million per year. Reductions would likely be a combination of staff reductions, furlough days and other cuts across the board.
- When do we vote? The special election is May 21st and you must be registered by April 30 in order to vote in this election.Ballots will be mailed May 2, and will be due May 21.